
Raymond Richard *****: Some Quotes

I keep rattling around the house. Sometimes I say things out loud and I can almost hear his responses. They were always funny and challenging. If I stopped in the doorway of the computer room to ask a quick question or tell him a small event from my day, I'd find myself sprawling on the floor near the doorway, having hour-long conversations that covered everything from our family to movies, poetry, theology, and some splashes of politics.

My Grandpop was the smartest man I ever knew. Just thought I might immortalize some of his quotes. If you ever find yourself wanting to use them, please remember the man who originated them.

"Let us go then, you and I. Let us make our journey."
-----to paraphrase Elliot. He'd usually say this before leading the early batches of his thirteen children on a long trek to the grocery store (before they had a car).

"Gigi... Uh, April."
-----my name for the first two years I lived with him.

"The Elephant. That noble bird that flies the southern sky!
We watch him soar! We hear him sing! And know it's all a lie."
-----A poem from the Oswald Morningside Letters (Long story), which I think were funny enough to be published.

"You'd better remember to take your own laundry out of the dryer. If I have to look at that stuff again, I might do away with myself."
-----On the blackness of my clothes.


My mind was teeming with quotes when I decided to post. I can't remember any more right now. Maybe I'll come back as I think of more. There are about a million.

As far as my life goes, I'm almost sort of close to getting published on my trashy novel. But not close enough to stop worrying about everything.

I really hate dinner time now. It's lonely. I could eat with Uncle Joe's family or with Uncle Mike. It's not like I have to eat alone. But I feel like I have to. Because I don't think I've fully accepted it yet. And I need to get over this the right way because distracting myself will only lead to my grief coming out in wierd or inappropriate ways. When Grandmom died, I went on unstoppable crying jags every time liquor passed my lips. I just need to stay the course and take care of his house for a bit before making any decisions.

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