

Did you know Preteen April was a poet? Did you also know Preteen April was a bad poet? She wrote the floweriest suicidal poems there were. These were all during freshman year of high school when she was becoming bitter and disillusioned (YES!). Anyhow, don't worry. Preteen April was not actually suicidal. It was her melodramatic streak. She'd been reading too much V.C. Andrews and walking around in a mild depression.

As a supplement to the RETRO-DIARIES, I now present the RETRO-POETRY! Dum-dah-dah-daaaaaaaaaaah!

This first poem is based on April's belief that she thinks entirely too much and influenced (too heavily) by a book of Victorian children's poetry she'd gotten for her birthday that year.

Wondering (1991)

I do often wonder, my brain in a thunder, about what to wonder about.

My thoughts are a brainstorm. Much like to a rainstrom. But soon I do figure it out.

I think about some things, but most of all dumb things, that is till I hear someone call.

I wake from my thought, then reasons, I sought, about why I should wonder at all.

Hitting heavy on the A.A. Milne, April? Cause I think you are. I don't even want to think about how many words were used incorrectly up there.


I leave in less than a week for Philly and more than a week for Chicago. Pray for me, I want Second City so bad.


Bend it Like Beckham is the greatest movie about an Indian girl that wants to play soccer ever made. I strongly urge you to rent it.


I'm almost done my dirtytrashysecretnovel. I even made a seperate blog for it in case my hard drive crashes and takes it with it. Should I tell you people? Nah. Then it wouldn't be much of a dirtytrashysecret.

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