
Stalk me. Pretty please.

We are doing some fun, fun, funny crap in those shows at Second City. That and my indentured servitude psoition are taking up alot of time. So I don't update alot. Sue me. Just you wait till I don't have a show every third second. Then you'll get sick of me. If, indeed, there is a you that's reading this. My counter says so. But that might just be a family member.... going to a bunch of different computers to make me think I have stalkers (because they know how I kind of want me some stalkers). Or maybe I do have stalkers and my entire life has not been in vain.

I'm obviously asleep already. I better inhale some Diet Coke so I start making sense.

In all this time that I've hardly updated, my life hasn't changed much.

I'm still a chunker.

I'm still poor.

I'm still unable t get a home for my dirty baby (or the dirtytrashysecretnovel for those of you just tuning in)

I still smoke too much.

I still have all my teeth, though.

The only newsworthy things are that I saw Prisoner of Azkaban twice (I still can't love it, though. It must be the fact that THEY GOT RID OF MOST OF THE CRAP I LOVED IN THE DAMN BOOK. That and the fact that the ending makes me mortally afraid that Harry's going to eat the entire audience. And Hermione? In a pink sweat jacket with a rainbow belt? I really doubt it).

I also will have my first on-stage kiss this Sunday. Courtesy of one of the attractive young men in my group during our big show number. I'll have to post some show info here when I'm not lazy. That way, if anybody out there is around LA, they can come see the thing. And if one of those people has considered stalking me, so much the better. I can glance over at them and make fraidy faces.

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