
My dirty babies must make me proud! Or all is lost! LOST!

You may have noticed that I changed my name from "Godzillas in the Mist" to "Planet of the April." It just seemed so wierd, naming my diary after an obscure reference only me and Evil T would get. I mean, I hardly talk about Godzilla at all. Mostly, because I am inherently self-absorbed, I talk about April. So it's my planet- my Planet of the April.

In other news, I am a quarter of the way finished dirtytrashysecretnovel #2. Like the first, I can't think of a title. But it's dealing with Preteen April in some ways-- and sometimes with Evil T. See, in the first, I was writing myself the perfect man for me and a happy ending. In the second, I'm writing an Evil T-like character and dragging her, possibly kicking and screaming, to a happy ending. I'm also going to have to consult with her on the hero. I'm giving Evil T the kind of hero she wants. If only the girl wasn't forever busy. I try to get a hold of her every other day. I'm starting to feel like a stalker. All I need is some info on the life of a costume designer and input on the man that will make a woman out of her. Sheesh, Evil T. I better get a hold of you soon. My novel is filled with blank spaces where important facts should be.

Have finally printed up the other novel to send to Red Dress Ink. I was going to tone down the naughty bits first. I mean, I did get a little smutty- if I say so myself. Then I decided to send it as is with a blurb about how the sex can be toned down. On Tuesday, at Crappy Mailbox Store, I will send forth my dirty baby and hope it does me proud. If they won't publish, I move on to Harlequin and cut it down to 80,000 words.

Novel 2 is aiming straight for Harlequin as it is. Sadly, most of my plans are up in the air. A lot depends on these things getting published. If they don't I've been wasting a hell of a lot of time.

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