
The dog ate my love life

I just don't keep promises. I say I'll write about The Most Severely Fucked-Up Friday Ever and I don't. I promise to tell all about Auntie Psycho and I don't. I practically vow not to buy any more trashy novels (for research purposes and definitely NOT because I have no love life. Because I... don't have one. But that's not why) and I bought three. Hell of a wild weekend. But when your weekend consists of:

Drive to Huntington Beach and slave for Auntie Psycho just because you stupidly made this dumb offer while she wept all over you.

Categorize Grandpop's books by type (like Chess, theology, religious essay, religious thought, catholic doctrinal support and... Evelyn Waugh novels).

Yes. This is my weekend. Haven't made a dent in Trashy Novel #3 since Auntie Psycho crashed into my life and made me regret learning how to drive. Anyway.... Will, at some point, sit down and scribble, scribble, scribble all about it. For now, I'm too tired. I'm always too tired. Thinking of ordering a Russian Mail-Order Groom as this would be the quickest route to having legitimate children to be used as excuses against my family. Or at least Auntie Psycho.

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