
The entry about nothing

This is that entry where I don't say much except that I will have an entry soon. And there will be things in it. Actual details about things that actually happened. What kinds of things, you ask?

The agony of waiting out your (possible) publisher.

Aunt Crazy's latest antics.

The very domestic things that have dragged me out of mourning.

Rhapsodizing on the first three seasons of Quantum Leap, very recently purchased for my father, but "sampled" by me... for quality.

Some things won't, however, be discussed. Things that did not happen in this absence. Things like:

Going out anywhere for fun.

Getting pregnant.

Operating a circular saw.

Trying escargot.


A troubling vicodin addiction.

So tune in.

And I have noticed that people visit with my referrer log. Thank you for visiting even though I'm going through this bleh phase right now and being a hermit. I will crawl out soon. I feel like I'm getting closer to normalcy every day.

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