

Sorry. Force of habit. Have been posting and reposting a garage sale ad on craig's list and in the Pennysaver and on the backs of stop signs.

Saturday, the day of my 28th birthday, I'm going to get up at 5 and work like a dog. Why? Because Aunt Crazy's storage has taken over my garage. And I need to clear it out to make room for... more storage.

See, I'm ebaying what I can. Uncle Mike's picking what she should take with her on her "fresh start" in PA (that is, once she gets out of the nuthouse... um... reorientation center). I cart those items to the storage locker after I carefully pack them. Then I get more stuff from her place to take up more space and it goes on and on. How do I do this and work full time and diet and cut down smoking?

I'm running on diet coke and a green, powdered energy drink (that looks and tastes like liquefied grass) and nervous energy.

Why do I do this? Because I do not, nor have I ever had, the power to say no.

Even knowing how destructive this is, I don't change. Why?

I don't know.

One thing I'm doing for April is editing past entries to protect myself from possible stalkers. We know how very stalkable I am. Anyway, have edited up to that Retro-Diary with the Slumber party of loooove. I'm going through and renaming everyone. That guy Preteen April semi-stalked for a year? Changed his last name to Crushboy. Much better than his real last name, actually.

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