
Still not as scary as The Scariest Denny's Ever Vandalized By Skinheads, but...

Yeah. I'm working graveyard at another Denny's. Has been going on for months. All these months where I haven't been posting here, that's where I am. Well, that and my first movie and first commercial (whee?). But as I've decided this blog is for normal life and the myspace blog is for all things actressy, I won't go on about those here.

Except to blab about what I'll do with that two grand when I get my greedy hands on it.

Anyhow, Denny's... Yeah. Didn't want to be doing that again. But what can you do from 10-6, really? I'm not being a security guard. I'm too non-threatening. Which seems to have become a problem as I have trouble saying "get the hell out" when the local crazies come out to play. Boy, do I have stories.

I'll save it for later, though. I'm too tired to go into it.

Currently watching Smallville on DVD. How can Lex manage to be so sexy and still look like a wide-eyed baby? Crazy.

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