
I am so whipped by me

Sometimes I wonder if I should sacrifice more- just as a general thing. I think I'm too good to me. If I want Diet coke, I'll run to the gas station at 3 am for it- even though it's about five bucks for a twelve-pack there. If I crave chocolate or ice cream or any other junk- even expensive junk like the real shortbread (mmmmmmmmmm)- I'll search for the all-night grocery store that has it. I'm not kidding. I go out of my way to satisfy myself. This has to stop. I have myself completely whipped. I'd do anything for me.

I'm thinking I should give up something I like- not the Diet Coke or cigarettes, I think those are more like staples than addictions. They're like bread and milk. And I don't even buy bread and milk much- so I'm saving myself a bundle there. Okay, maybe I'm letting me off the hook.

Chocolate- I give up chocolate. Or maybe french fries. I need a decision, here. BOTH! No more french fries or chocolate. There. Done. I'll tell you how it goes.

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