
The drunkest entry ever... entered

Do you even know how hard it is to do punctuation and spelling while drunk? Because it took me five tries to do that last sentence--- just with the fact that I keep hitting caps lock. Even that one was hard. Even that just there was hard.

Anyway, finally have gone out for karaoke and drunkardliness. Wierdest night ever. The crazy part was... how sane I was amidst all thiss insanity. Seriously. Have the earrings to prove it (will exlain what that means tomorrow). Anyway, off to bed. Pray that the drunk girl doesn't get sick while laying on her back andf choke on whatever vomit may come.

My sincerest apologies to anyone uinder 21 out there. I am a very bad influence. But, when you hear why April needed to go out, you may not judge me too harshly... I think. Keep having to correct own spelling. Think that speaks well of self. That self cares about spelling even when bombed. Yay for me.

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