
What I wanted to say before the rambling started...

So... I'm scared. If you think about it, I'm about to have a small degree of notoriety. Even though I've been working on a loophole into this skinny-dominated entertainment industry for some time, the fact that I might get it is frightening.

Already, my name's being bandied about the internet (and hardly any of it's complimentary) and I haven't even reached the airwaves. Though I get a kick out of it, I'm alternately laughing in fiendish glee (did you hear tha someone with my name robbed a 7-11 in Syracuse? Hee!) and clutching my stomach and groaning.

It's just scary. I know who I am. My friends and family know. But how will I come off to someone that doesn't know me? My eccentricities can be hard to swallow before a person gets to know me. I might come off (as one person's already put it) as a crackhead. Laughable considering my one and only time trying something as comparatively innocent as pot, I threw my guts up... by a dumpster, no less.

I just tend to get loopy when I'm nervous. And when confronted with a camera, I'm invariably nervous. So, yeah. Guess I come off a bit crackheaded (say! I made up a word).

At any rate, I'm freaking. Mixing me with TV (which will add ten pounds I really don't need) can only be messy. This is the first time I'll be on TV since the home-made horror movie my cousins and I did. It was actually a cinematic masterpiece. A cursed box of Chinese food came to life and started eating people. Mmmm, irony!

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